If this is your first time visiting my little spec on the internet, WELCOME! I'm so glad you decided to stop by! My name is Kelie and I have been sewing/quilting for around 2 1/2 years now. I'm addicted to everything about creating a wonderful quilt or anything quilt/sewing related! If you wanna know a little bit more about me you can find out here or if you'd like to see any of my other creations you can see those here. (or just click the "About Me" tab and the "Finished Quts" tab...which I'm working on getting completely updated)
But you are here to see what I quilt I decided to enter into the Festival, huh?
Let me tell you the story behind it! A friend of mine (Karie) and I decided since we both loved rainbows so much plus each other's work why not do a little swap between ourselves? I don't know if any of you have ever done a swap before but let me tell you, I'm my most creative when I'm making something for someone else. I want to make something that I love sooo much that I would be thrilled if I received it. So, I always push my boundaries. This is what I created for that swap.
It's very simple patchwork but I have never seen another one like it before! I absolutely hated giving this one away (I already have plans to make one for myself)!!!!
It's made up of around 686 1.5" blocks! I didn't want a stark white background, so I went with Low Volume prints. It was really fun to see this come together, block by block.
These blocks are so little, my wonderful (but small) label even covered 2 of them! But just like I knew she would Karie absolutely LOVES it! (I'm gonna ask her if I can use one of her pics of it hanging on her "mini wall" it looks awesome there!
I backed it in one of my favorites, Britten Numbers!
I hope you guys love this quilt as much as I do! I can't wait to make another one! (Maybe I'll even take you guys along for the ride on my YouTube Channel..... stay tuned for that!
Anywho, I would ABSOLUTELY love you forever if you loved my entry enough to nominate it! It's going into the ROYGBIV category!
Quilt Stats
-Size approx 14"x28"
-Designed, Pieced, and Quilted by Kelie Copas (me)
Thank you guys soo sooo much for stopping by! Don't forget to go check out all of the other amazing quilts entered into the Blogger's Quilt Festival (and vote for mine!)
P.S. I finally created a Facebook Fan Page that you can find here and I would love it if you would "like" it so you can keep up to date with anything going on!
I'll also be linking this finished beauty up with Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts for Finish It Friday!
~Hope y'all are having a GREAT day!!!~