I've got a couple post coming up for you this week, this one is the my last 2 finishes of 2017. I did not sew half as much as I wanted to last year, but thankfully I am starting to feel like me again and am LOVING being back at my machine! I do have a lot of plans for 2018, my word for the year is action! I'm tired of talking about wanting to do this and wanting to do that and never doing it....so this is my year to put my words into ACTION!
And yes, that does include sewing! Oh and by the way (you can blame my sister for this) but I have gotten into the Traveler's Notebook rabbit hole! I have so many ideas of cool things to make for them as well as the actual traveler's notebooks themselves. So you may see a post sneak in here and there about that too!
Ok, now onto my last finishes of 2017....
As we all know Elizabeth Hartman from Oh Fransson is one of my biggest idols. So, when I found out she had a new craftsy class, I was all over it! I decided to make just one (the purple and pink) just to see how cute it would look as a mini, which I'm obsessed with. (P.S. I started a new job and I absolutely LOVE it, minus the hours I work) I cut and pieced the first mini late at night after work....and I will say, I was very proud of my points considering it was literally around 3-4 a.m. when I pieced this!
Of course my mouth is a little wonky, but I think it gives my bear some character, don't you?
I did a quick stipple for the quitting (I need to branch out on my FMQ, but stippling is just soon fast! lol)
I decided to go outside of my comfort zone with the binding and chose pink, which I actually really like because it makes the ears pop just a little more.
Here is a close up of my quilting, and no it's not perfect, but it's DONE! lol
I used some Ikea Numbers Fabric for the backing (yes I still have tons hoarded)
And I had to use one of my gorgeous labels from Ananemone
The labels are just perfect.....although I thought about trying to find someone to help me with a new logo......anyone know anyone good with that kind of thing? I totally suck at computer graphics. But these labels from Ananemone are amazing...not only are they a fantastic price point, they last for a really really long time too!!!! And her customer service is awesome (yes this is just my opinion, I purchased my own labels)
The blue Bjorn Bear came about because it was very close to my son's birthday and he LOVED my bear...so I had him pick out what fabrics he wanted and made him his own! This block, yes it has very small pieces, goes together super fast! It looks a lot more complicated then what it actually is.
He was so happy with the way it turned out! Which of course made Mommy happy! I love that my kids want things made by me! I love the way his turned out too, using Modern Background by Zen Chick for Moda for the background of course, and Kona by Robert Kaufman for the everything else except for the scraps in the ears.
Of course I went for my normal quick stipple for the quilting, but I really love how it blends in with the background so well.
Here is an up close of the quilting, of course it's not perfect but it's finished! lol
I used the Ikea Numbers for the backing of this one too! And my favorite black and white striped binding. (He's got it hanging above his bed and it just makes me smile every time I see it!)
Another gorgeous label from Ananemone added onto his too!
It took me forever to figure out where I was going to put my Bjorn Bear Mini quilt but I finally decided on a place, right above my bed below the Mini Wonky Love quilt I made. It looks awesome there!
I would say I can't wait to fill all these walls up with minis but I am hoping to be moving before too long, so I'll be able to have my own place again....long story, stressful couple years. Thankfully it seems like everything is falling into place now and I feel like ME again!!!!
I'll give you a hint at my next blog post, I'm hoping to have up by Friday or Saturday......it's rainbow, and it's by Kelly Liddle of Jeli Quilts....I AM IN LOVE!!!! I can't wait to share it with y'all!
Anyhow, I have missed this so much! OOOOOOHHHH yeah! I FINALLY finished my Pixel Heart quilt too! I just have to get pics of it! I will be making a list very soon of all my WIP's and Quilts I want to make this year.....like I said I have goals! lol
Make sure you are keeping up with me over on Instagram right here, to get sneak peaks and see what I'm up to when I don't have time to sit down and blog. And yes, youtube videos will be back soon too! I'm making 2018 MY YEAR!!!!!!!!
PS: How do I change this signature??????? Any recommendations of good tutorials would be greatly appreciated! I am so bad with computers, so I am making it a mission to learn more about blogging and editing you tube videos in the very near future! Any tips y'all have would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!
I'll talk to y'all VERY soon!!!

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